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January 18, 2000 BC Minutes
APPROVED 2/11/00
Minutes of Building Committee
Tuesday, January 18, 2000

In attendance:  

        Dr. John Silva                  Steven Moore
        Tim MacKenzie           William Hurst
        Dr. Kathleen Reynolds   Philip Lemnios
        John Reilly, Jr.                Peter Lombardo
        James Lampke                    Debbe Bennett
        Charles Ryder

Dr. Reynolds distributed to all Committee members the official notification from the State that all three school projects have been approved and all are classified as Category 2.

Meeting convened at 2:15pm.  Committee discussed their review of the proposals submitted by the four companies: Architecture Involution, HKT, KBA and Mount Vernon Group.  Bill Hurst distributed a checklist detailing the RFP-required criteria for the Committee
All Committee members rated Mt. Vernon Group and Architecture Involution as the top two firms.  Evaluations of HKT or KBA were below expectations.  Committee discussed potential strengths and concerns with the two top rated firms.  Mount Vernon is the larger company with a great deal of experience.  Concerns that Hull could become “a small fish in the big sea” however, the large number of support staff assigned to the project was noted.   Mount Vernon has experience in phased construction (Fall River project).  Architecture Involution is relatively inexperienced as a company, in comparison, (established in 1995) but the experience of their individual personnel is extensive.   Architecture Involution
The committee discussed waiving the interview process (for the sake of saving time) and going with Mount Vernon, who rated #1 most often.  It was noted the Committee is unable to move forward until the Peer Review is concluded on January 31 by NESDEC.  Therefore timing should not be a consideration in this decision.  Kathleen indicated that she will spend a considerable amount of time with whatever company is selected and would first like an opportunity to meet the principals of potential firms.  Charlie Ryder indicated that although he is unable to attend the interviews, he has enough confidence in both Architecture Involution and Mount Vernon, that he would be comfortable with the Committee's final selection.  

Phil Lemnios asked if the Design Review Board must be consulted.  It was noted that school construction is exempt from Review Board approval, therefore, notification is not required.  Also discussed was how school conditions dictate how children are educated.  And how use of space impacts program design.   Kathleen noted that even a school system
Construction cost estimates were discussed.  Concerns were raised about the dollar amount that should be presented at Special Town Meeting - how accurate the current estimate is.  It was noted that the construction cost estimate is based upon a standard formula using the highest square footage cost allowable by the state and the square footage concerned in each school.  Therefore, the estimates would be similar no matter which company prepares it.

Some questions to ask during the interview process were noted:  Architecture Involution
Phil Lemnios questioned the efficient use of space, specifically at Jacobs School, and if there would be a way to pare down the project, if necessary.  He would like to see an analysis/explanation of the space usage with associated cost estimates.  It was suggested that since the Charter School's charter will be renewed for 5 additional years, should the student population projections be reduced.  However, Kathleen felt plans should include total population estimated.   This is a long-term project and we should be able to accommodate all of those children if/when they reenter the system.  Community use of space was touched upon, however, SBA funds cannot be used for community use projects or office space.    

Phil indicated he has a meeting with Park & Recreation scheduled and asked the Committee if he should mention the School Department
Committee should communicate with all affected town departments (e.g. Finance Committee, Police, Fire, Planning & Design Review Board, etc.) to keep all areas apprised of project status.  Any other concerned departments should be identified and contacted prior to February 7, so all departments are aware before Special Town Meeting date is set.

Issue of “Clerk of the Works” vs. “Construction Manager” was discussed.  SBA will cover one or the other, but not both.  

Kathleen suggested all Committee members e-mail their list of questions for the interviews.

Steve requested Committee members turn in their completed evaluation sheets indicating how each firm measured up and justifying the reason for the Committee's selections.

Motion made by Phil Lemnios to invite only Architectural Involution and Mount Vernon Group to interviews on Monday, January 24, seconded by Tim MacKenzie.  All approved.  Interviews will be a maximum of 1 hour (30 minutes presentation/30 minutes Q & A).  Architecture Involution will be scheduled at 9:00am and Mount Vernon at 10:30am.   Other companies (KBA & HKT) should be informed of the Committee
References on Architecture Involution and Mount Vernon should be checked prior to interviews on Monday, January 24.

The need to assign a Committee spokesperson was discussed again.  No selection made at this time.

Meeting adjourned.